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Giving Back

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” 

-Mahatma Gandhi

We are grateful for the opportunity and privilege to give back to our community and we want to thank the many clients who support our efforts.

ASIA’S HOPE: International initiative to help kids at risk of sex and work exploitation

What can happen when people believe?

Asia’s Hope believes that every child, regardless of their life circumstances, deserves a loving home and the opportunity to thrive. Glenn and Chantal are very active in running Asia’s Hope, an orphanage in Chiang Mai, Thailand. All of the children in the orphanage are sponsored by clients and friends, and it has been a blessing watching children’s lives being transformed!

CAREER CONNECTIONS: Inspiring the next generation of leaders through thoughtful mentorship

Prior to the pandemic, that has prevented in-person events and gatherings, Kelson Wealth Management hosted our first Career Connections Event and brought together 100 children of our clients, ages 18-25. Our goal is to provide them with the opportunity to network with a wide range of successful people across various industries and professions, that we have the privilege of working with.

We believe that hearing firsthand stories about different career paths, failures and successes will be a powerful and inspiring experience. LIKEWISE sharing their own stories and having the opportunity to network with their peers is a great opportunity.

Once we are able to gather again, we are very excited to host our next event. 

FEED THE FRONTLINE: Giving back to local community

At the beginning of the pandemic, through the generosity of our clients and friends, Kelson worked with local restaurants and raised over $20,000 to feed frontline workers at Montreal hospitals. It is in this spirit that we do all we can to support community organizations throughout the world.