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Energy crunch stokes inflation, economic recovery concerns

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - Reuters

Authorities from Beijing to Delhi scrambled to fill a yawning power supply gap on Tuesday, triggering global stock and bond market wobbles on worries that rising energy costs will stoke inflation and curtail an economic recovery. Read more...

'I want to live my life': Money isn't everything in the work Great Re-evaluation

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - Financial Post

Factory owners faced a staff crunch well before COVID-19 struck. But now things are more difficult with workers presented with a wealth of other options to choose from. Read more...

Thanksgiving teaches us some financial lessons that can apply all year round

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - The Toronto Star

After the feast and celebration, here are a few timeless financial lessons Thanksgiving time can teach us, and that apply to the rest of this year, too. Read more...